The best Power BI articles I’ve published

The best articles on Power BI that I have published over the years in “The Future of Data”. Collected here for you.

I will tell you about them and classify them according to different criteria so that you can access them quickly and according to your current needs.

These are the articles on Power BI that I have published that will help you get started with the topic.

If you haven’t started yet and you haven’t even installed Power BI Desktop, I recommend this starting point:

Install Power BI Desktop and create your first Dashboard step by step

I show you how to download Power BI Desktop just like I do, in a customized way, and how to install it. There you have both a textual explanation and a video that will help you see the details of the process.

You can also get all the necessary material (PDF guide and sample data) to create your first dashboard with Power BI guided step by step.

I consider it a good starting point to get used to the instrument already with the first exercises.

Power BI tutorial: learn with practical examples

This is a video tutorial in which I show you the entire process you need to follow with Power BI with practical examples, sharing the Power BI Desktop screen at any time, totally practical.

There you will see:

  • Import data from Excel, text files and databases
  • Integrating data from these various sources and Power Query transformations to do so with
  • Design of the thematic base
  • Examples of reports, data visualization, navigation and analysis

You will have a clear and concise idea of ​​the power of Power BI thanks to the examples shown.

Learn Power BI in Spanish What is the most appropriate path for me?

As the name indicates, here I propose different learning paths. I will present various alternatives that will help you learn Power BI in Spanish. I’ll talk about websites, books, courses and tools to help you on your journey.

This concludes the Power BI articles related to starting from scratch or from a basic level and we take one step further…

In these articles we focus on the fundamentals, techniques and methods to follow.

I always talk about going beyond the instrument itself.

Yes, it is necessary, it is essential to learn Power BI.

But you also need to learn the techniques and methods to apply, the fundamentals you should know about visualization and analytical databases. And good practices that will help you be more successful in your daily life.

I will talk about these topics in the following articles.

And of course I don’t treat them independently, but adapt them to your application with Power BI.

Power BI: 6 steps to create better solutions

Follow the development cycle of BI solutions, and in particular in Power BI. Improve your results.

It is essential to follow these 6 steps to create quality analytics solutions.

Power BI In the cloud or on premises?

Here I show you different architectures applicable to both Power BI, Analysis Services and other Microsoft tools, based on the needs and requirements of your company or customers.

I go beyond simple architecture, I also suggest how to structure these pieces so that if tomorrow you decide to change their location. Whether it’s uploading part of your business to the cloud or downloading it from the cloud into your business, it’s possible without any major changes that affect the rest of the pieces.

Mistake no. 1 salesperson with Power BI

Would you leave your finances in the hands of someone who knows accounting software (Contaplus, Sage or any other), but who doesn’t have the minimum financial and accounting fundamentals? Surely not.

Well, the same thing happens with Power BI, I meet many professionals who do not have the necessary foundations to work with this tool. Get to know them as soon as possible.

The definitive guide to the Time Dimension in a Data Warehouse

100% applicable to Power BI. All your analyzes will have a “time component”, you will certainly analyze your information for months, quarters, years, weeks. You’ll also take into account holidays, business days, and another set of criteria that require good knowledge of the Date and Time dimensions. I hope you read this article as soon as possible and start applying it.

Books on data visualization

I present to you the best books on data visualization that I have read during my professional career.

If data analysis is part of your daily life, I recommend training in visualization techniques.

Last but not least. As I said before, it is essential to master the instrument.

The best articles on Power BI that I have published, referring to Power Query, DAX and solutions for specific cases.

Here I will focus on articles that directly deal with technical solutions implemented with Power BI.

Power BI: Hide sensitive data with Power Query

Many times you have to expose your solutions to third parties, but you cannot show sensitive data, both for confidentiality issues that are required of you in your company and for compliance with data protection laws. Here I show you some simple techniques that will make it easier for you to hide sensitive information through transformations performed with Power Query.

Power BI: Data types in DAX

A fundamental technical aspect is to assign the ideal data type to each column of each table. This will influence both calculations we make, avoiding misalignments or data losses. Additionally, using suboptimal data types can cause your database to become too large, requiring more storage and processing capacity. This also means having worse performance. Apply everything I propose in this article from today.

Power BI: Upload Excel files to Power BI

Excel is a data source that we encounter very frequently. I propose a series of good practices for loading Excel files into Power BI and examples of how I apply them in my daily life.

Power BI: Load Excel budgets seamlessly

Loading Excel budgets into Power BI is a critical task for data analysis.

If you have your budgets in Excel and want to continue managing them there, but want to leverage all the analytical power of Power BI to analyze them. And, above all, you will certainly want to cross-reference them with real data, see how your business is evolving compared to the budget and what deviations you have. I suggest you read this article and watch the video where I show you how I do it and the good practices I apply.






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