Have you ever thought about how convenient it would be to have a unified contact book for Outlook and Teams?
Well, in reality you have had this possibility available for some time, with its limitations, but with a large number of advantages.
Let’s analyze the basic concepts 🔍, to better understand how it works.
First of all, we always talk about synchronizing Teams with the Exchange (Outlook) mailbox of the same Microsoft 365 account, we agree on this, right? 😅
👥 Contact types:
There are two types of contacts, directory contacts that come from your organization (Outlook) and local contacts that you can add from scratch to your copy of Teams.
Directory contacts have some fields set by your organization and additional fields you can edit.
On-premises contacts are stored in your local copy of Teams and are not synced to your organization’s directory.
In short, synchronization is one-way, from the Exchange directory (Outlook) to Teams.
🚀 What features do we have available?
As I mentioned before, it is possible to create new contacts from scratch, but it is also possible to add people from our own organization to the contacts with a special “Add contact” button.
Based on our contact base, we once again have a multitude of possibilities. The most interesting thing is that we can “Add to favorites” a contact, or add it to a category to have a better organized list.
And of course, basic actions like chatting directly, calling or emailing. As well as blocking or deleting this contact.
But perhaps, where we can really leverage and get the most out of this functionality is when we have integrated Microsoft Teams with a dial plan (aka telephony). From here we can quickly call the contact’s phone number, as well as manage speed dial contacts.
✨What do you think? Do you find it useful too? I look forward to your comments!
Do you want to see it? Well I’ll show you everything in this video 😊
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